Theresa May seeks good PR for Grenfell while HA CEO’s polish their riding skills

The phrase used to deal with and deflect bad publicity is called fire-fighting and never has it been used with such sickening effect as with Theresa May and the Grenfell Tower tragedy as this Inside Housing article reports in the last hour:

A Downing Street spokesperson said: “The Prime Minister acknowledged residents’ concerns about the culture of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) and the Tenant Management Organisation (TMO).

She confirmed that the TMO will be removed from the management of the Lancaster West (Grenfell Tower) estate and she recognised that the council did not respond quickly enough after the fire. She agreed that it was important that the council listen to and respond to the issues residents face about the support and information they were receiving, including from key workers and housing officers.”

It is not yet clear what the time frame will be for KCTMO exiting management of the estate, which organisation will replace it or whether it will continue to manage some 9,000 other properties in the borough.

While there were major faults and negligence that could (and should) see corporate manslaughter charges against both the TMO and the council Theresa May is treating one tiny symptom and not the root cause of the Grenfell tragedy in this sickening populist decision.  She is seeking to get herself and the Conservative government off the hook for their major part in this and trying to put all the blame on the TMO … and ahead of the enquiry that she has already limited so that the government role in Grenfell will not be considered.

This makes Machiavelli look like a baby in comparison to Theresa May

Yet she is not the only seeking to make good PR and a bucket load of money from Grenfell and I give you the housing associations astride their Lipizanner stallions and chomping at the (filthy lucre) bit!

You can just see all the housing associations brushing up their white steeds and polishing their armour to heroically come in and rescue ALL the TMO tenants and not just the former Grenfell tenants for whom Kensington & Chelsea council last night agreed to pay the £40 million more in rent to the housing associations to rehouse the Grenfell tenants alone!

Imagine how much more this will be in rent for the housing associations if they take over all 9000 tenancies and not just the 2% of TMO tenancies for former Grenfell tenants? Oh, and to answer my own question if £40 million more for 2% of TMO tenants then all 9000 will be £2 billion more in rent for the housing associations.

£2 billion buys a hell of a lot of Brasso to polish the shining armour that the private registered providers (aka housing associations) have fitted by the modern day Saville Row tailor and their white chargers will be the finest that the Spanish Riding school has as the picture below of London HA chief executives reveals …

ha white horses

Truly offensive





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